2023 CSWCD Student Council

Heads up!

With a voter turnout of 52.24% (327 votes/626 voters), the CSWCD College Student Electoral Board (CESB) declares a successful conduct of the 2023 Student Elections. The CSEB further endorses the winning candidates for the following positions: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson for Internal Affairs, Vice Chairperson for External Affairs, BSCD Representative, and Graduate Representative.

The BSSW Representative position will be declared vacant since the candidate received lesser votes compared to the votes cast for abstain. The position as well as other vacant positions namely those of the Secretary General and Finance Officer will be filled up following the CSWCD SC Constitution and By Laws.

The CSEB extends its heartfelt gratitude to the whole CSWCD community for ensuring the successful conduct of the Student Elections 2023!

CSWCD Halalan 2023 Miting De Avance Sensing Form

CSWCD Halalan 2023 MDA Sensing Form Makialam. Makibahagi. Bumoto. Get to know the local candidates of CSWCD this coming Miting De Avance! The CSWCD Student Electoral Board is inviting everyone to attend the MDA which will take place on Friday, May 12, 2023, 5:30-7:00 PM at BTS. Please accomplish this form by Thursday, May 11 (12:00 PM) to confirm your attendance.Register here: bit.ly/CSWCDMDA2023 If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the CSEB student representatives:LA Cleofe (facebook.com/lacleofe15)Maia Matti (facebook.com/maiamatts)Noelle Mejia (facebook.com/mejianoelle)Ivy Sacdalan (facebook.com/sacdalan20) Thank you! #HalalanUPD2023