The Philippine Journal of Social Development (PJSD) is now accepting original and unpublished manuscripts on the theme “Transformative Social Work and Social Development: Responding to the Pandemic, Disasters and Human Rights Issues “ for publication in its 15th volume. PJSD is an annual double-blind peer reviewed journal of the UP College of Social Work and Community Development (CSWCD). It serves as the venue for sharing theoretical concepts as well as field/practical experiences, research outputs, and reflections of faculty, staff, students, alumni and practitioners.
Below are the guidelines for submission:
Writers/contributors should submit electronic copies of their original and unpublished manuscript. The article should be formatted in 12-point Times New Roman, double- spaced with 1” border margins, and consistent with the standard rules of bibliographic citation using the American Psychological Association (APA) Publications Manual 7th Edition (2020). It must be written in a bias-free language. Articles should be 4,000 to 6,000 words long, including tables, figures, and list of references.The manuscript should include a removable cover page with the author’s name, title, organizational affiliation, correspondence addresses, contact numbers and electronic mail addresses. An abstract of not more than 250 words must accompany all submissions.
Manuscripts and editorial correspondences should be sent to the issue editors:
Dr. Justin Francis Leon V. Nicolas
Asst. Prof. Gil I. Espenido
Deadline for Submission: 19 November 2021